How To Make Pet Reservations In Spirit Airlines?

Traveling with the pets is equally responsible just like traveling with small babies. But if you have reservations in the american low cost Spirit Airlines then its not much of a big deal. Spirit Airlines understands the concern of the Spirit Airlines which helps them to travel with the pets comfortably. But for carrying pets in the airline, there are a few basic rules of Spirit Airlines reservations that you might have to follow. To find out about the rules, tap below. 


Pet Policies of Spirit Airlines 


1. For carrying pets in the Spirit Airlines, you can only carry small dogs and kittens or small birds and no other pet. 


2. If you are carrying your pet in the cabin of the flight, you have to make sure that they are locked in a cage that has holes for them to be able to breathe properly. Also the cage should have enough space so that they can lay down properly. 


3.The maximum weight of the pets allowed is maximum 18 kg and they should have a medical certificate specifying that they are medically fit to travel without any allergy. In case the pet is found to be more than the maximum weight or with any medical history then it wont be allowed to fly. 


4. If you want you can also carry your pet as baggage only if it follows all the rules and regulations of the flight. For the rules, follow the baggage policies of the Spirit Airlines. 


Similarly for carrying pets in the cabin, first of all the cage of the bed should not exceed beyond 45*35*23 cms dimensions. Secondly for carrying pets in the cabin, you can either sit with them in cage on your lap or place the cage under your seat. 


Ways of Booking Reservation for Pets 


1.The easiest and best way of traveling with pets is to notify the airline at the time of booking flights only. You can also call up on the helpline number and get the reservation. 


2. For carrying pets there are fixed charges from both the sides. Once you pay the charges, your reservations will be confirmed. 


3. Moreover if you plan to carry your pets at the last moment then you have to inform the airline at least 48 hours before the flight departure. 


And that's it! Following above given rules and steps, you can make Spirit Airlines Reservations for your pets and travel safely. Moreover while making any reservations, if you have a doubt or query then contact the customer care.